With Apologia Biology, a college-preparatory homeschool science, your teens earn a lab science credit while becoming better students.
HIGH SCHOOL SCIECE 🙀 This is the subject that strikes fear in so many homeschool mama hearts when it comes to teaching high school.
I promise, there’s nothing to fear with the right curriculum for your teen.

I received this product for free & was compensated for my time. All opinions are my own, and a positive review was not required
Apologia Biology is an award winning, creation-based curriculum designed with the first year high school student in mind. But’ it’s more than a science curriculum! It also prepares your students to succeed in all of their high school subjects.
Apologia Biology prepares students by
- giving them a solid overview of biology so they are ready for college placement tests and further college-level study
- inspiring wonder of God’s created world through scientific inquiry
- teaching them how to study and take notes—skills that can be applied in other high school courses as well
- growing them as independent learners
Biology: A Step Up from Apologia’s General & Physical Sciences
Biology requires students who took Apologia’s middle school science courses to step up, but it is a natural progression as they mature in their ability to be more independent. As students take more responsibility for their education, they will learn more.
During the middle school years, students transitioned to high school level work while gaining a solid foundation in multiple science topics if they completed Apologia’s General Science and Physical Science. They learned to work more independently, how to take notes and write lab reports, and how to study for tests. But even if your teens didn’t use Apologia during their middle years, don’t worry! They can still succeed with Apologia Biology.
Here are a few ways Apologia biology requires more of students beginning their high school studies:
General & Physical Science
Students have a suggested schedule in the front of their texts, and the assignments are broken down and listed at the beginning of each lesson.
Questions are provided to help students know what notes to take.
Students will need refer to the suggested schedule in the front of their notebook and plan out what they need to do daily.
Students choose what they think is important to take notes on. Guidance on how to do this is in the student notes at the beginning of the notebook.
3 Benefits of Apologia Biology Curriculum for the Christian High School Student
When students study biology using Apologia’s Textbooks along with the Student Notebooks, they’ll learn more than just the subject of biology. By completing labs, studying for tests, memorizing vocabulary, and taking notes, teens develop important study skills that can be applied to any subject.
Apologia Biology—Designed with Learning Styles in Mind

Whether your student is a visual, auditory, kinesthetic, or social learner, Apologia designed their textbooks and other resources to address every student’s needs.
- Visual. The textbook features colorful photos, illustrations, figures, charts, and graphs. They also offer a video instruction thumb drive which includes on-location videos, animations, instructor explanations, experiments, and more. This instruction video is also available as a one-year rental through Vimeo..
- Auditory. An audiobook in both CD and downloadable forms is available, as well as the instruction thumb drive.
- Kinesthetic (hands-on/experience based). The experiments are an integral part of the program. All types of leaners should do them to solidify their understanding, but the hands-on learner will connect with the information in the way they do best. Apologia offers dissection kits, a microscope, and slides.
- Social. Video based courses are offered for students including live classes perfect for your social learner.
Tip: Vocabulary memorization is a big part of this curriculum. Pay attention to how your teens learn best, and help them take advantage of that. For example, make vocabulary cards if they are a visual leaner, and even draw a picture to illustrate the words. For you auditory learner, help them study the words by saying the definitions out loud to one another. Or have your student record the words and their definitions and listen to them.
Apologia Biology Student Notebook—Created for Interactive, Independent Learning

The Student Notebook helps students become independent learners and benefits them in several ways. Students using it:
- learn to take notes
- focus as they study
- engage with the text in an interactive way
- have a place to keep all of study material organized and accessible
With the Student Notebook, students have a place to schedule their daily learning, take notes, write definitions, answer the On Your Own questions in the text, study for tests, and complete lab reports.
There’s even a section teaching them to design and conduct their own experiments. I LOVE this! The study of science naturally leads us to ask more questions. With this resources, students are equipped to investigate possible answers to their own questions.

Apologia Biology Worldview—Presented from a Creation-based Perspective

Module 8 of the curriculum takes a deeper dive into the topic of evolution. Christian students need to understand differing views on how the world was created and the scientific basis of the creation-based worldview taught in Apologia’s Biology course. For college bound students this understanding will give them a solid foundation for future scientific studies, and help them understand that science and faith are not in opposition with one another.
Topics covered in this module include:
- Charles Darwin
- Micro and Macro evolution
- the geological column
- the fossil record evidence
Check out Apologia’s Biology Today!
When students begin high school, it’s a natural time to step up their personal responsibility for their studies. Apologia Biology helps students to do this by addressing student’s differing learning styles, fostering independent learners, and giving them a firm foundation of faith.

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