by Kay Chance | Encouraging & Equipping You, Homeschool Curriculum, Resources, & Book Reviews, Uncategorized
[The following post contains affiliate links. You can read my disclosure here.] If you’ve read much on this blog, you know I’m a big fan of a natural learning approach. To me it just makes sense. How do children learn to speak? By listening and imitating...
by Kay Chance | Encouraging & Equipping You, Homeschool Curriculum, Resources, & Book Reviews, Learning with Living Books, Teaching Language Arts, Teaching Writing
I don’t ever remember wanting to reread a textbook from school. Do you? Honestly, the only books I remember from my English classes were a few of the novels, the real books, that we read, along with some short stories from anthologies. But the real books? As an...
by Kay Chance | Building Family Relationships, Encouraging & Equipping You, How to Homeschool, Learning with Living Books, Teaching Language Arts, Teaching Tips
Homeschoolers seem to be obsessed with reading aloud, but how beneficial is simply reading books with your kids? Actually there are three major benefits that you may not have ever thought of. [The following post contains affiliate links. You can read my...
by Kay Chance | Encouraging & Equipping You, How to Homeschool, Learning with Living Books, Teaching Language Arts
When we started homeschooling copywork and dictation were completely new to me. Even though I was a public school English teacher, I never encountered these methods in any of my courses or reading. Kind of sad. Even in the public school setting, these would have been...
by Kay Chance | Encouraging & Equipping You, How to Homeschool, Learning with Living Books, Teaching Language Arts
[The following post contains affiliate links. You can read my disclosure here.] Sitting down to plan out my children’s schedule for the year, I was suddenly overcome with how long one particular subject would take. Language Arts had so many components! Spelling,...