by Kay Chance | Encouraging & Equipping You, Homeschool Curriculum, Resources, & Book Reviews, Teaching STEM
One of the best things about homeschooling is the freedom! With Teaching Textbook homeschool math app, your student can do math anywhere and at any time. I recently saw a meme on Facebook with a mother looking at her child saying, “I love you so much I’m...
by Kay Chance | Encouraging & Equipping You, Homeschool Curriculum, Resources, & Book Reviews, Learning with Living Books, Teaching History & Geography, Teaching Language Arts
It’s no surprise I’m a big fan of any curriculum that includes great living books! That’s why I’m excited to share Sonlight’s new American history curriculum for kindergarten, Exploring American History, with you. I have no...
by Kay Chance | Building Family Relationships, Encouraging & Equipping You, Parenting
Ready for family night, we decided to show our boys a movie we had loved as kids. Let’s just say, as parents the movie was very different than we remembered 😯. So I totally get that today it’s really hard to find family entertainment that doesn’t...
by Kay Chance | Encouraging & Equipping You, Homeschool Curriculum, Resources, & Book Reviews
I remember being a little intimidated at the thought of homeschooling science as my oldest son reached his teen years. I mean, that’s the time you have to get “serious” right? In high school it seems the stakes are so high—labs, credits, and...
by Kay Chance | Encouraging & Equipping You, How to Homeschool, Practical Help
When I ask homeschooling moms what their biggest struggle is, many reply with one word: consistency. But achieving homeschool consistency doesn’t have to be difficult once we have the proper framework established! [The following post contains affiliate links....