One of the best things about homeschooling is the freedom! With Teaching Textbook homeschool math app, your student can do math anywhere and at any time.
I recently saw a meme on Facebook with a mother looking at her child saying, “I love you so much I’m going to relearn Algebra for you.” I loved my sons dearly, but I never said that. As a matter of fact, I distinctly remember telling my husband that I already made it through high school math and had no plans on doing it again. That’s why we ended up using Teaching Textbooks many years ago—back when the lessons were on CDs.
Well, Teaching Textbooks is just getting better and better with age. (And I like to think that so am I 😉)
This is a sponsored post. I was compensated for my time. All opinions are mine and honest!
Homeschool Math with Flexibility
One of the hardest parts of homeschooling with online programs is the need to access a computer and wifi every time you are using it. With the new Teaching Textbooks app, your students can work on their homeschool math whether they are on a desktop computer, laptop, smart phone or tablet—even offline for up to six lessons before they’ll need to connect again.
You have the ultimate flexibility to do school anywhere, anytime.
This is one of my favorite benefits. Think about how many times you end up sitting with nothing to do except play with your phone, whether at an appointment, sporting event, play practice…the list goes on and on. If your student is often waiting for a sibling, or has down time at their own commitments, they could be using that time to do their homeschool math.
Maybe you like to travel or have long commutes as a regular part of your lives. A friend of mine drove her kids weekly, and sometimes bi-weekly, to co-op classes an hour away from their home. Living in a very small community meant they ended up car schooling often so they could take advantage of opportunities that weren’t as close to home.
Just think about how much more school you could get done with an app like Teaching Textbook’s for homeschool math. Car-schooling? No problem. A great opportunity to travel? Go for it! You don’t have to say no because your student doesn’t have time to get their work done.

Students using Teaching Textbooks 4.0 even have a place to work out the steps of a problem on-screen using the built-in scratchpad. Perfect for on-the-go learning, this feature allows students to do their work even when a notepad and pencil aren’t available.
Homeschool Math for Independent Learners
No matter what age they are, it’s helpful for both you and them to have at least some subjects that can be done independently. If you are teaching more than one grade, you know that at times you need to be available to help individual students.
But even more importantly, your kids need to learn to work independently on at least some subjects, especially as they enter the middle school years. During middle school they are transitioning to taking more and more responsibility for their own learning. If one of you goals is life-long learning, than teaching kids how to learn is as important as teaching them what to learn.
And a big part of the how is being able to be responsible for your own education.
Why Teaching Textbooks 4.0 Helps Your Kids be Independent Learners
Teaching Textbooks is a all-in-one virtual teacher. It explains concepts, let’s kids practice the skill, gives hints when needed, shows them how to work problems when students get them wrong, and rewards them for correct answers.
Students get immediate feedback. This is so important with math! Instead of working through an assignment, perhaps repeating the same mistake over and over that they don’t know about until after it is graded, ingrains that mistake in their heads. They’ve been practicing the wrong way to do a problem. And what we do wrong becomes a habit.
With immediate feedback, they can figure out what is wrong the first time they make the mistake.
Homeschool Math That Lets You Sip on Your Coffee Instead!
As a homeschooling mom, you are busy. If you are like I was, you want to be a part of a lot of you kids learning. I enjoyed connecting with my kids during our read aloud time and knew they needed me to help them learn to write well. I believe language arts, history, and science—especially in the younger years—are best done with someone who can discuss and explore those subjects together.
But you can’t do all the things with all your kids all the time.
With Teaching Textbooks 4.0, you don’t have to. You can let the app do all the work for you in at least one subject—no grading, no keeping records, no explaining concepts you decided to leave behind in high school. You can sit down and sip your coffee for a bit and simply take care of yourself for a few moments during the day.

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Don’t know if Teaching Textbooks is right for your children? No problem. Teaching Textbooks offers a free trial of the first fifteen lessons of any level so you can try it yourself. Click the button and get started today!
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