by Kay Chance | Cultivating Your Heart, Learning with THE Living Book
Celebrating Easter can be a special time for Christians, but often it is hard to keep our focus on Jesus, the One whose resurrection we celebrate. Easter dinners and egg hunts, dressing up for church and spending time with family. All the good things. But sometimes...
by Kay Chance | Cultivating Your Heart, Encouragement, Encouraging & Equipping You, Learning with THE Living Book
Homeschooling moms often ask the question, “Am I doing enough?” But that is a question based in fear. Dear Mom, you don’t have to be fearful! [The following post contains affiliate links. You can read my disclosure here.] Am I doing enough? The...
by Kay Chance | Cultivating Your Heart, Encouragement, Encouraging & Equipping You, Learning with THE Living Book
You are enough. I’ve seen this phrase printed on t-shirts and coffee mugs, and painted on barn wood home decor. Just check out Etsy for decorative items emblazoned with this phrase. If you google it you will find blog posts, articles, books, TED Talks, a couple of...
by Kay Chance | Cultivating Your Heart, Learning with THE Living Book
At Christmas we get caught up in the busyness of it all, don’t we? We forget why we are doing all of the things—shopping for gifts, decorating the house, planning meals. But may I encourage you to join me to really consider the One whose birth we celebrate? And...
by Kay Chance | Cultivating Your Heart, Learning with THE Living Book
[The following post contains affiliate links. You can read my disclosure here.] What does it really mean to be thankful? We talk about it a lot during this season, and we even make lists of the things we are thankful for. We know the Bible repeatedly commands us to be...
by Kay Chance | Cultivating Your Heart, Learning with THE Living Book
[The following post contains affiliate links. You can read my disclosure here.] I sat on the patio of a local coffee shop one morning writing this post. In the corner a group of moms gathered to visit about kids and life with one another. Inside a couple of other...