by Kay Chance | Encouraging & Equipping You, Parenting
At times I wish there was a formula for raising kids. One that if we follow, our kids will turn out the way we want them to—making wise decisions and loving the Lord, their families, and others. And if we aren’t careful, we can almost start believing there is. But the...
by Kay Chance | Building Family Relationships, Encouraging & Equipping You, How to Homeschool, Parenting
Dear Mom, have you been phoneschooling? You know what I’m talking about already, don’t you? We can be so distracted during our homeschool days. And it really isn’t surprising when we realize that checking our email, catching up on social media, and playing games on...
by Kay Chance | Encouragement, Encouraging & Equipping You, Parenting
Dear Mom of Little Ones, you’ve heard us as older women say some pretty dumb things, like “Enjoy every minute your kids are little.” Y’all we get a little nostalgic and forget just how hard it is to be in the trenches of toddlerhood. Thank you for not slapping us in...
by Kay Chance | Building Family Relationships, Encouraging & Equipping You, Parenting
One simple mindset change will help you to develop strong family relationships! We married before hash tagging a wedding was a thing. Well, actually before there were hashtags. Back then we called # the pound or number sign 😉 But several years ago, sweet friends of...
by Kay Chance | Encouraging & Equipping You, How to Homeschool, Parenting
[The following post contains affiliate links. You can read my disclosure here.] “If you can’t do your work here at home, maybe you need to go to public school.” His little eyes filled with tears, his face crumpled, and my heart dropped. Why had I...