by Kay Chance | Encouraging & Equipping You, Homeschool Curriculum, Resources, & Book Reviews, Learning with Living Books, Teaching STEM
Learn how your children can use photography to study homeschool science. With the book Do You See What I See? High Altitude Evidence of the Worldwide Flood by Chuck Renstrom, you’ll be able to show your students how studying creation can be both fascinating and...
by Kay Chance | Encouraging & Equipping You, Homeschool Curriculum, Resources, & Book Reviews
This might tell you just how old I am. I learned to type on an IBM typewriter my freshman year in high school 😳 Yes, times have changed, and I sit here writing this on my laptop. But our kids have never known anything different. Today, kids need to learn how to touch...
by Kay Chance | Building Family Relationships, Encouraging & Equipping You, How to Homeschool, Learning with Living Books, Teaching Writing
Do you have teens who are reluctant to write? Do they think they don’t have anything worthwhile to say? Maybe they are intimidated by a blank sheet of paper? Or perhaps they see writing as just another assignment to complete. Don’t worry! You can encourage...
by Kay Chance | Encouragement, Encouraging & Equipping You, How to Homeschool
[The following post contains affiliate links. You can read my disclosure here.] As a mom of two sons in college now, I’ve been looking back and asking the question, “What would I do differently?” I even asked some other veteran homeschool moms to answer the question...