by Kay Chance | Encouraging & Equipping You, Homeschool Curriculum, Resources, & Book Reviews
I remember being a little intimidated at the thought of homeschooling science as my oldest son reached his teen years. I mean, that’s the time you have to get “serious” right? In high school it seems the stakes are so high—labs, credits, and...
by Kay Chance | Encouraging & Equipping You, Homeschool Curriculum, Resources, & Book Reviews, Learning with Living Books, Teaching STEM
Learn how your children can use photography to study homeschool science. With the book Do You See What I See? High Altitude Evidence of the Worldwide Flood by Chuck Renstrom, you’ll be able to show your students how studying creation can be both fascinating and...
by Kay Chance | Encouraging & Equipping You, Homeschool Curriculum, Resources, & Book Reviews
This might tell you just how old I am. I learned to type on an IBM typewriter my freshman year in high school 😳 Yes, times have changed, and I sit here writing this on my laptop. But our kids have never known anything different. Today, kids need to learn how to touch...