by Kay Chance | Cultivating Your Heart, Encouragement, Encouraging & Equipping You, Learning with THE Living Book
Homeschooling moms often ask the question, “Am I doing enough?” But that is a question based in fear. Dear Mom, you don’t have to be fearful! [The following post contains affiliate links. You can read my disclosure here.] Am I doing enough? The...
by Kay Chance | Cultivating Your Heart, Encouragement, Encouraging & Equipping You, Learning with THE Living Book
You are enough. I’ve seen this phrase printed on t-shirts and coffee mugs, and painted on barn wood home decor. Just check out Etsy for decorative items emblazoned with this phrase. If you google it you will find blog posts, articles, books, TED Talks, a couple of...
by Kay Chance | Building Family Relationships, Encouragement, Encouraging & Equipping You, Parenting
When I saw the question on Facebook, “As a mom a little further down the road, what is your best advice?” I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Not because I did this parenting thing perfectly. Seriously, check with my kids. They will corroborate my story. But I do have...
by Kay Chance | Encouragement, Encouraging & Equipping You
[The following post contains an affiliate links. You can read my disclosure here.] Are you tired? Tired of the noise, of being asked a million questions, of playing referee? Are you weary of having a child constantly following you everywhere? Tired of doing tasks you...
by Kay Chance | Encouragement, Encouraging & Equipping You, Parenting, Practical Help
What happens when our homeschoolers graduate? What’s next for the homeschool mom? How you can make the transition smoothly. We often turn to nature to describe what we as moms experience. We call different stages “seasons of life” and talk about being the mama...
by Kay Chance | Encouragement, Encouraging & Equipping You
As moms there are a few things we just don’t want to say out loud, much less tweet. We don’t really want to take a picture and share it, or post what our children just did knowing no one would want to give us, or them, the blue thumbs-up. And we are pretty sure no one...