Homeschooling is about so much more than where you choose to educate your children. It’s about the whole child—heart, mind, and soul.
You long to build strong family relationships and to connect with your kids while giving them a quality education.
You want them to love learning and to know that it’s a part of life—not something that happens only during certain hours of the day from kindergarten through college.
And you would probably like to enjoy the process, too.
But how?

I believe that being grace-filled, Christian moms fundamentally changes the way we approach educating our children—heart, mind and soul.
Hi, I’m Kay!
I’m the mom of two homeschool graduates and author of the Older Extensions for the Trail Guide to Learning series. Our homeschool was built on three basic beliefs.
Belief 1: Being grace-filled, Christian moms fundamentally changes the way we approach educating our children—heart, mind and soul.
Homeschooling is about relationship. It’s about getting to know our kids and respecting their unique talents, gifts, personalities, and dreams. When we really get this, we find the freedom to educate our children in a way that works for OUR families.

I believe we can build strong family relationships while giving our children a quality education.

Belief 2: We can build strong family relationships while giving our children a quality education.
If how we homeschool doesn’t support strong family ties, then we need to rethink what we are doing. Those relationships last a lifetime; homeschooling is simply a season.
Do you find yourself frustrated and easlily irritated? Often when we are overwhelmed, trying to do more than we should, or have unrealistic expectations of ourselves and our kids, these negative emotions steal the joy we could experience in our homeschools.
We don’t have to homeschool in a way that keeps us all stressed-out. We can choose a more joyful and relaxed way to homeschool.
I believe teaching with living books is a great way to connect with our children and bring joy to our homeschool experience.
Belief 3: Teaching with living books is a great way to connect with our children and bring joy to the homeschool experience.
Does this mean other methods don’t work? Of course not! When we go back to the very first belief we realize that every child is different. Throughout our homeschooling years we were ecelectic in our approach, choosing whatever method worked best for a partical child in a particular season in a particular subject.
But the foundation remained a living books approach—THE Living Book, God’s Word, as well as books that made learning come alive.
I want to help you learn how you can do the same while experiencing true freedom and joy in your unique homeschool!